Dr Prachaya Jumpasut presented a paper on Global natural rubber outlook and it’s price forecast for 2014 at the Global Rubber Conference 2013 on 3 October 2013 in Palembang, Indonesia.

Dr Prachaya Jumpasut presented a paper on Global natural rubber outlook and it’s price forecast for 2014 at the Global Rubber Conference 2013 on 3 October 2013 in Palembang, Indonesia.
Analysis and Forecast
The Rubber Economist Ltd
Bangkok and London
Welcome to The Rubber Economist Ltd
This company is led by Dr Prachaya Jumpasut, the former Head of Economics and Statistics of the International Rubber Study Group (IRSG) with more than 30 years experience in the global rubber industry. In addition to publishing the Rubber Economist Quarterly Report, the company provides the following services:
-Forecasts of rubber prices and rubber consumption
-Analytical studies of various sectors of the rubber industry: from natural rubber (NR) production as a raw material, synthetic rubber (SR) production as a petrochemical base product to the manufacturing of rubber and its end-uses
-Custom tailored services as a consultant to companies in the rubber industry including; how to become globally competitive, understanding the China factor and advice on becoming environmentally friendly
-Investigation into the intended markets for rubber products, including vehicles and tyres and general rubber products
-Cost-benefit analyses of rubber investments
The Rubber Economist Ltd is a registered limited company in the UK and is incorporated under the Companies Act 1985.
The Fourth Quarter 2016 Rubber Economist Report
(7th December 2016)
The Fourth Quarter 2016 Rubber Economist Report was sent to all our subscribers earlier this month. The latest Quarterly Report covers our regular analyses such as natural rubber (NR) and synthetic rubber (SR) consumption and production for the major countries, regions and the world along with global rubber balances, stocks and prices.
The latest Report examines the following topical questions:
-How are the growth rates of rubber consumption pre-financial crisis compared with post-financial crises?
-Has the relatively stronger growth in Asia/Pacific continued to compensate the weaker growth in other regions in recent years?
-This year consumption is estimated to have increased for NR and decreased for SR – will sharper growth of NR over SR continue?
-Slow growth in world NR output is estimated to have continued from last year into this year – what are the causes of slower growth and what is the expectation for the coming years?
-Has SR production been following the weak trend in consumption?
-What are the capacities of different types of SR for the world and major regions and countries?
-What is the trend of global NR stocks after reaching a record high in 2014?
-Global SR stocks have also reached a record high recently – what has been their recent trend?
-The even more important question is, what has been the movement of the stocks to consumption ratios for both NR and SR?
-It appears that NR prices may have started to bottom out from a long declining trend which started in early 2011 – what are the factors behind this turnaround?
-What is the relationship between the physical and futures markets; rubber prices in different markets; and currency movements and rubber prices?
-Has there been a turnaround for SR prices? How do recent SR prices compare to NR prices?
Highlights of the report include our latest short-term monthly natural and synthetic rubber production, consumption and price forecasts up to 2018.
Interested readers may find a sample of the Third Quarter 2009 Report here (pdf version available on request).
The publication is available on a quarterly basis. Subscribing to the Report will not only get you access to the most up-to-date information, but also more detailed information on request. Subscription prices are available on request. Please contact [email protected] for more information.
Some of completed projects by the Rubber Economist Ltd
(22nd December 2013)
A Report on Sustainability of rubber – Global Witness
In December 2013, the Rubber Economist Ltd prepared a report titled “The Rubber Industries in China, Laos and Myanmar and the Impact on Sustainability of Rubber” for Global Witness Ltd, London, UK. Global Witness founded in 1994 and focus on natural resource governance research. The non-profit organisation investigates and campaigns to prevent natural resource-related conflict and corruption and the associated environmental and human rights abuses.
Ho Chi Minh City – Asian Institute of Technology Centres
The Rubber Economist Ltd facilitated a three-day training course on the international trade environment for rubber in October 2011 in Ho Chi Minh City. The course was organised by the Asian Institute of Technology Centres in Vietnam (AITCV). The content of the course included; an introduction to the world rubber industry, demand, supply, stocks, prices, outlook, economic opportunity and sustainability.
Academic or commercial organisations interested in arranging a similar seminar or training course, on any/all aspects of the rubber economy are encouraged to contact The Rubber Economist Ltd for more information including a course guide. Courses ranging from 1 day to 1 week with an emphasis on any aspect of the rubber industry can be organised.
Commissioned Field Studies
In November 2011, the Rubber Economist Ltd completed a commissioned client request for field studies on the natural rubber industries in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam and Yunnan (China). The studies were comprehensive analyses of all aspects of the natural rubber industry in all 5 countries; including planting, production, pricing, exporting and a view of their future outlooks.
Projects can be commissioned on any topic in the rubber industry, for example:
• Cost-benefit analyses of a given rubber plantation in a country
• A look at the rubber industry as a whole in a given country
•A comparison of the rubber industry across a number of countries or regions.
Please contact The Rubber Economist Ltd if you are interested. We can tailor to any request and will ensure your particular needs and interests are accommodated.
PowerPoint presentations by the Rubber Economist Ltd at recent international conferences
(5th December 2014)
The following PowerPoint presentations, by the Rubber Economist Ltd were recently delivered at a number of international conferences and are available for purchase at £50 each. Please contact [email protected] for more information.
-Global natural rubber outlook and price forecast for 2015, Global Rubber Conference 2014, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 27-30 October 2014.
-Global natural rubber outlook and it’s price forecast for 2014, Global Rubber Conference 2013, Palembang, Indonesia, 1-3 October 2013.
-Global natural rubber outlook and it’s price forecast for 2013, Global Rubber Conference 2012, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 29 November - 1 December 2012.
-Tyre and rubber - their relationship and future scenarios, 2012 China-Europe Tyre Forum, The Third China (Guangrao) International Rubber Tire and Auto Accessories, Guangrao, Shandong, China, 15 May 2012.
-Global outlook of rubber demand, supply and prices for 2012, Global rubber conference 2011, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 24-26 November 2011.
-Economic aspects of the rubber industry in a changing world, APEST conference and exhibition 2011, Bangkok, Thailand, 19-21 July 2011
-Recent trends and outlook for the global rubber industry - a special reference to China and the tyre industry, 2011 China-Europe Tyre Forum, The Second China (Guangrao) International Rubber Tire and Auto Accessories, Guangrao, Shandong, China, 15 May 2011.
-Global Rubber Markets and Prices, the Golden Jubilee Conference of the Office of the Rubber Replanting Aid Fund (ORRAF), Bangkok, Thailand, 2 December 2010.
-The Role of NR in Economic Development, the Golden Jubilee Conference of the Office of the Rubber Replanting Aid Fund (ORRAF), Bangkok, Thailand, 2 December 2010.
-Changes and trends in natural rubber supply and demand situation - A global overview, the ASEAN Rubber Conference and Exhibition 2010 (ARC 2010), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 17-19 June 2010.
Subscribers to the Rubber Economist Quarterly Report, can request a copy of these presentations free of charge.
Thirteen new articles have been added to the Latest News section
(7th December 2016)
-ITRC to discuss rubber price and production
-Global natural rubber association to study reasons behind falling yields
-Export of rubber-based products to continue expanding in Malaysia
-Rubber Board introduces a new system of tapping in India
-Risda allocates RM37.5m to help smallholders boost income
-Foreigners buying directly from Thai rubber farmers
-Vietnam’s rubber industry encounters ‘white crisis’
-Natural rubber supply, a matter of concern’
-Natural rubber clone set to debut in India
-Rubber giants still waiting for traders in regional market
-New initiative to curb falling rubber production in Malaysia
-Cambodia’s rubber producers want export taxes scrapped
-RISDA plans to export products produced by smallholders, entrepreneurs
Upcoming International Rubber Conference
(10th September 2014)
The Rubber Economist Ltd has been invited to become a guest speaker at the Global Rubber Conference 2014 in Colombo, Sri Lanka, which will take place 27-30 October 2014. Dr Prachaya Jumpasut, the Managing Director, will present a paper on ‘Global natural rubber outlook and price forecast for 2015’.
Global Rubber Conference 2014 themed “Sowing the Seeds for Sustainable Future” is expected to bring together over 500 experts and delegates including government officials, rubber producers & planters, traders, importers & exporters, manufacturers of rubber products, commodity and investment analysts, rubber machinery & equipment suppliers and their supporting industries representing over 25 countries. They will converge at this event to discuss a wide spectrum of commercial and R&D developments, share experiences, get updated on the latest trend and technologies transformation at the same time strengthen friendship.
This Conference is supported by the International Rubber Research Development Board (IRRDB) and over 20 government agencies and associations globally. Presentations will be done by over 18 eminent guest speakers representing government agencies, rubber research bodies, rubber associations and commercial companies from over 10 countries on a range of topics.
For more information about the conference, please log on to www.globalrubberconference.com
Dr Prachaya Jumpasut presented a paper on Global natural rubber outlook and it’s price forecast for 2013 at the Global Rubber Conference 2012 on 30 November 2012 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Dinner with the Governor of the Bank of Thailand, 3 December 2012.
Copyright © 2008 - The Rubber Economist Ltd, All rights reserved.
Please contact [email protected] for more information.