The Rubber Economist Ltd
Rubber forecasts
The Rubber Economist Ltd
Rubber forecasts
How will the expected downturn in the global economy affect rubber demand?
What is the likely scenario for the price of oil and how will it has impact on the rubber industry?
How can exchange rate movements influence rubber output?
Is weather a factor of natural rubber supply and what is the prospect of the latter for the next few years?
Can past movements of rubber demand and supply tell us anything of their likely future movements?
How to take account of the China factor in forecasting?
What are the scenarios regarding the natural and synthetic rubber balance situations?
How significant is the level of rubber stocks relative to the level of consumption?
What is the recent trend of the relative prices of natural rubber versus synthetic rubber and their likely impact on their shares of the total rubber off take?
These are some of the questions The Rubber Economist Ltd looks into when preparing rubber forecasts. For example, please see NR price forecast. The company not only looks at the global picture, but it also covers forecasts for the following countries:
Natural and synthetic rubber Consumption
Australia, Austria, Belgium/Luxemburg, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, UK, Ukraine and USA
Natural rubber production
Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, Cameroon, China, Congo, Côte d’ Ivoire, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Liberia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam
Synthetic rubber production
Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, UK, USA and (former) Yugoslavia
Please contact for more information.
10th July 2009 - The Rubber Economist Quarterly Report - June 2009 Edition is available
22nd March 2009 - An updated rubber forecast is now available.
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Please contact for more information.